Webinar: Working Green - Sustainability within the Arts
I dette webinar vil vi se på kompleksiteten af bæredygtighed i en verden med en eskalerende klimakrise. Skabt i samarbejde med VISP.

In this webinar, Jacob Teglgaard, Lisbeth Burian and Elin Már Øyen Vister will look at the complexity of sustainability in a world of an escalating climate crisis.
What can we as artists do to minimize our climate footprint, how can we inspire the institutions we work with, the state, the private companies and the public, and how can we encourage behavioral change in everything we do?
We aim that the webinar will provide you with ideas and tips on how to work green while continuing your artistic practice.
Keywords to this webinar are:
Sharing of knowledge
Exchange of experience
Creating new ideas of change.
Jacob Teglgaard is the co-founder and CEO of Bæredygtig Scenekunst NU. BSN is the first Danish NGO working exclusively for the green transition in the cultural sector in Denmark and the Nordics.
Jacob has advised organizations and cultural institutions and held workshops across Scandinavia. This summer he achieved the title of Creative Climate Leader 2022 through the UK organization Julie’s Bicycle.
Jacob is also a climate activist and a professional actor with more than 15 years of experience.
(photo: Hein photography)
Lisbeth Burian is educated as set- and costume designer from The National school of performing arts in Copenhagen. She is the leader of the working grant committee for stage artists in the Danish Art Council 2020-24. In 2022 she initiated a sustainability board in the union for Danish Designers for Stage and Scree. Lisbeth works with performing arts, in the widest possible way – from abstract dance, film, performances, classic text theater to interactive installations
Elin Már Øyen Vister (born 30 June 1976 in Oslo) is a Norwegian artist and composer living in Røst in Lofoten/Lofuohta, born and raised on Veitvet in Groruddalen, Oslo. Elin Már is also known as one of the pioneers within club music; and had a radio show on NRK P3, Radio Nova and in the UK as DJ Sunshine. They/them have a Master’s in visual arts from Bergen Academy of Fine Arts and a master’s in sound art from the KUNO program Nordic Sound Art affiliated with KIT in Trondheim/Tråante.
The webinar was created in collaboration with VISP (kompetanse- og nettverksorganisasjonen for det nasjonale visuelle feltet i Norge) and was recorded 22nd of february 2022.
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